With more than a decade of experience in software development, Jasmine is a proficient and ambitious software engineer who specializes in C/C++, algorithms, systems programming and Android platforms. She is also experienced in various other domains such as Android app development, web technologies, system administration and continuous integration.
A curated list of awesome resources for Competitive Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures. Currently starred by 2,000+ and forked by 500+ GitHub users worldwide.
View moreA Valgrind extension to analyze partial memory consumptions. Takes in a massif.out file, and forges a new one containing only stats of the functions that match the specified pattern.
View moreA cool set of LED lighting effects designed and orchestrated on CoolerMaster's MasterKeys Pro L. Utilized advanced time-driven programming to deceive human perception.
View moreA group project on parallelizing video processing. Utilized various APIs: C++11 thread, Pthread, OpenMP, CUDA and FPGA on Windows, Linux and OSX. Drawn interesting conclusions.
View moreA crowdsourced Connect6 game hosted on Twitch. Designed a multi-threaded interaction framework built on OpenCV, adapted an open-source IRC client and wrote a simple Connect6 AI.
View moreA tool that makes managing GitHub organizations easier. Features a SQL-like syntax to query through GitHub API. In collaboration with Mozilla Taiwan.
View moreA web crawler for the Chinese-Chinese dictionary published by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Observed HTTP requests, inspected packets and came up with a neat approach to crawl the data.
View moreA simple and easy-to-use form management system for organizations. Allows users to validate fields with custom regular expressions. Utilized HTML5 native drag-and-drop and JavaScript for extensive DOM manipulations.
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